VV Studio

Apr 7, 2023 - 9 mins read time

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How often should a facial treatment be done? HydraFacial

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After a facial massage at the salon, don't you feel calm, refreshed, and re-energized? This is because facials are a great way to treat your face and make your blood flow better. But today, salons offer a wide range of facials, from ones that prevent wrinkles to ones that keep your skin hydrated. It's important to pick one that works well with your face. Let's talk about how.

Why are facials good?

Facials help get rid of dead skin, which makes the skin look better and younger. Facials can slow down the signs of aging, relax and calm you down, and bring more blood to your whole face.

How to Choose the Right Face?

You should choose a facial based on your skin type and the issue you want to fix:

1. Normal or dry skin

Choose a facial that deep cleans, moisturizes, and uses steam to get rid of extra dirt if your skin is normal to dry. To finish, choose a mask or cream that will moisturise your skin. If your skin tends to be dry, don't exfoliate too much.

2. Combination Skin

Because mixed skin is both oily and normal to dry, make sure to use gentle products. This is so that products for dry skin don't make oily skin even greasier and products for oily skin don't make dry skin even drier.

3. Oily Skin

Choose a facial that uses natural ingredients, focuses on deep cleaning and extraction, and includes toning, a face mask, and a protective serum for oily skin. 
The mask will get rid of extra oil, make the pores smaller, and soften the skin.

4. Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin, you should avoid treatments that exfoliate or use AHAs because they make the skin even more sensitive. Choose a facial with a gentle rub that uses green tea or chamomile-based products. Oxygen facials and other facials that keep the skin hydrated are also good for sensitive skin.

Types of Facial Treatments

1. Classic Facial

This is the most popular type of facial. It includes cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and a face mask. What's different is the items that are used for each type of skin. At any time of the year, it can be done.


After using a wash to clean the skin, a scrub that removes dead skin is used. The facial is finished with a steam treatment to remove whiteheads and blackheads and a soothing massage.


The classic facial is a great way to relax and give your face the moisture it needs to look and feel better. Cleaning and exfoliating help get rid of dead skin, which gives you a clean look.

Skin Type:

It works for both dry and normal skin. If you have acne or eczema, don't use steam. Instead, soak a serviette in warm water and use that instead. It is also not a must and can be skipped.

2. Facial with aromatherapy

This treatment is done the same way as the others, but aromatherapy oils are used to make it even better. It helps to refresh the skin and calm the mind at the same time. At any time of the year, it can be done.


During a massage, the plant cells in the oils soak into the skin and make the skin's cells feel better. It helps cells grow back, and the facial is made up of a scrub, a moisturising cream, a mask, a serum, and a gel for under the eyes.


When the aroma oils get to the deeper layers of the skin, they start the process of replacing cells, which gets rid of the old, damaged cells. This makes the face look younger as a result.

Skin Type:

Good for people with normal to dry skin.

3. Anti-Aging Facial

This facial uses items that contain ingredients that help reduce the signs of ageing. Since it works best on older skin, women over 30 can do it often for the best results. At any time of the year, it can be done.


The anti-aging facial includes deep cleaning of the pores, exfoliation, and microdermabrasion, which is another name for skin renewal. The next step is a rub and a mask that makes the skin tighter. The face is finished with a serum made from collagen.


A facial for anti-aging can make the skin look and feel younger because the tools help the body make more collagen, which makes the skin firm. The skin also gets much-needed wetness from the hydration, which keeps the skin from drying out.

Skin Type:

All skin types can use it, but people with oily or sensitive skin should ask for items made for their skin type.

4. Hydra Facial

One of the most popular facial treatments done in a doctor's office today is the Hydra Facial, and it's easy to see why. This method is good for everyone, from famous people to regular people. It helps with a lot of common skin problems, like redness and ageing. The simple five-step process resurfaces the skin, cleans out the pores, and hydrates. It is also customised to meet the needs of each patient.

The basics of the HydraFacial

The HydraFacial treatment is the most recent improvement in skin exfoliation that doesn't use a laser. This medical-grade treatment is the only one of its kind that uses hydradermabrasion to clean, exfoliate, extract, hydrate, and protect against free radicals all at the same time. When you combine these treatments, you get glowing, beautiful skin without any pain or downtime.

Step 1: Use Hydradermabrasion to clean and exfoliate the skin.

First, a small Vortex Exfoliation tip is used to clean the surface of the skin. This tool opens the pores and takes off the top layer of dead skin cells and makeup. As the cleansing process goes from one side of the face to the other, the surface of the skin is gently scrubbed.

Step 2: Peel with a mild chemical

The liquid for exfoliating has two great chemical exfoliators in it. A gentle chemical peel is made from glycolic acid and salicylic acid. This step gets rid of blackheads and gets rid of bacteria that causes acne from deep inside the pores.

Step 3: Extraction

The HydraFacial is the only skin treatment that uses patented Vortex-Fusion technology to deeply clean and remove impurities from your clogged pores while providing important nutrients to hydrate and protect the skin at the same time. The design of the spiral and the strong suction open pores briefly and in a way that has never been done before. This makes it possible for your professional to clean, exfoliate, and remove impurities evenly without hurting the skin.  The Vortex Extraction tool removes dead skin cells, blackheads, and other debris from your face like a hoover. The impurities are collected in a cup at the bottom of the extraction tool, so the patient can see that the process is working.

Step 4: Customizing Your Treatment

This facial treatment is very flexible and can be changed to safely and effectively address your unique worries about how you look. We can change a lot about the treatment, from the serum boosts to the suction power, so that it works best for your skin. Your treatment plan will be different from anyone else's because it will be based on your unique needs and goals.

Step 5: Serum Application

After extraction, a lotion made just for your skin will be put on it to give it a completely unique finish. This step also uses the Vortex Fusion tool, which injects a liquid full of antioxidants and collagen into the skin to make it more flexible and keep it from drying out. On freshly cleaned skin, the serum feels cool and refreshing. It also leaves the skin smooth, glowing, and well-hydrated.

HydraFacial benefits

The HydraFacial treatment is safe for all skin types and works to improve a wide range of skin diseases and problems.

1.  Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
2.  Delivering intense hydration to the skin
3.  Cleansing and exfoliating
4.  Improving inflammation and redness
5. Reducing the appearance of acne
6. Correcting skin blemishes
7. Nourishing the skin with vitamins and antioxidants
8. Improving skin tone and texture
9. Creating a bright, radiant complexion
10.Targeting bacteria
11.Reducing hyperpigmentation
12.Reducing enlarged pores
13.Eliminating blackheads and whiteheads
14.Reversing the effects of sun damage
15.Minimizing the appearance of brown spots

Made for all ages and types of skin

This treatment is great for people of almost any age and skin type, including kids with acne, adults with acne, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and sun damage, and even older people with sun damage. The HydraFacial is made for all types of skin, and its treatment serums can be mixed to fit even the most sensitive skin. 
The treatment is good for all types of skin, no matter how old, thin, dry, or oily it is.


How long do the benefits of a facial last?

After a good facial, your face will look clean and healthy for at least a week. If you take good care of your skin at home, you can make the facial last longer and keep your skin soft and smooth.

What to do and not to do after a facial


Don't touch your face and don't put on too much makeup. For a few days, don't use a cleaner. Also, don't push yourself too hard when you work out and don't scrub your face too hard when you sweat. Try not to thread or wax your face.


20–30 minutes before going outside, put on sunscreen. Apply more sunscreen every two hours during the day, and choose one with a higher SPF. Use a serum that contains vitamin C to protect your face. Use soaps and moisturisers that are gentle and safe.

Are You 30+? Do you really need a facial?

Yes, if you're over 30, a facial should be a regular part of your face care routine. It helps the body and mind relax, and the massage will get rid of the toxins that build up in the body because of a stressful and busy life.

How often should a facial treatment be done?

Every 4-6 weeks, you can get a haircut, and every two weeks, you can get a clean-up. Choose a spa where the people who work there are trained. If you know what kind of skin you have, you can even try out the different face treatments that are available.

A facial is a great way to relax for a while and give your face a boost. Your skin will look younger and feel softer if you get facials on a regular basis. This will also help repair damage caused by stress and the environment.

For more information Book an appointment at V V Studio