VV Studio

Apr 25, 2023 - 5 mins read time

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How to reduce hair fall and improve hair quality

Hair spa (1).png

Normal hair loss is about 100 hairs per day, but if you lose more than that, it's time to take care of your hair more seriously.

These things can happen: Why hair falls out:
Nutritional deficits 
Stress Can Mess Up Your Hormones 
PCOS stands for polycystic ovary syndrome. 
Products for styling hair 
Other Health Problems

Here are some ways to stop hair loss at home:

1. Proper Diet and Exercise to keep your hair healthy and nourished

The best way to lower stress is to eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise. This will stop hair loss and help hair grow. Foods with a lot of protein, like soy, and fruits with a lot of vitamin C, among other things, are great for good hair growth.
A daily massage with the right essential oils also does a great job. Oiling gives the hair all the nutrients it needs and increases blood flow to the hair follicles. This helps stop hair loss and encourages healthy, shiny hair growth.

Way to do oiling:

Use your fingers and the oil of your choice to massage the scalp in a circular motion for 10 to 15 minutes. This should be done twice a week.

3. Onion juice to reduce your hair fall

Onion has antibacterial qualities that keep the scalp from getting sick. Onion juice also contains sulphur, which improves blood flow to the hair shaft. This helps stop hair loss and is one of the best treatments for hair loss.

Way of Making:

Grind up a whole onion and press it through a strainer or a thin cloth. Use a cotton ball to put the onion juice that you just squeezed on your skin. Just leave it alone for 20–30 minutes. 
Use cold water to rinse it. Do the same thing once a week.

4. Egg Mask for hair growth and reduce hair fall

People know that the egg is a good treatment for both hair loss and hair growth. The egg is a good source of protein, which is what the hair shaft is made of. It is also high in sulphur, iodine, phosphorous, and many other important fatty acids and nutrients for hair, all of which help hair grow.

How to make a hair mask with eggs to stop hair loss?

Depending on how long and thick your hair is, put one or two eggs in a bowl and add a teaspoon of honey and olive oil. Mixing this together will make a paste. Use this paste on your hair from the head to the ends. Give it about 20 minutes, then rinse it with cold water. Do this once a week or twice a month, depending on how often it needs to be done.

5. Beetroot juice to stop toxins from scalp

Beets are known as the best way to get rid of toxins, which keeps the hair clean and free of infections. Along with this, it is full of vitamins and vital nutrients like vitamin C, which is known as the most important vitamin for hair, folate, potassium, B6, and many more, all of which help reduce hair loss and improve the quality of hair.

6. Aloe Vera for healthy skin and hair

Aloe Vera is a cheap and easy-to-find best friend for healthy skin and hair. Aloe Vera can help get rid of dandruff, itching, and flaking skin, all of which can cause hair loss. 
Aloe Vera can help hair grow by getting rid of these problems.

How to use it:

Get the pulp from the Aloe Vera plant's fresh root. Use this pulp right on your head and hair. Let it sit like this for about 45 minutes. Rinse it with regular water, and do this three times a week.

7. Gooseberry (Amla) with full of vitamin C

Gooseberry, which is also called "Amla," is full of vitamin C and has qualities that help remove dead skin and reduce inflammation. This makes the hair follicle stronger and helps hair grow. Amla is the best thing you can use to keep your hair healthy and free of infections. It also keeps your hair from going grey because it helps your body absorb more iron and calcium from the food you eat.

Way to make Amla Mask:

Mix the amla powder and lime juice together. Mix this together to make a thick paste. Apply the paste straight to the scalp, put on a shower cap to keep the paste from drying out, and let it sit for an hour. You can use warm or cold water to wash your hair.
If you do the process at least once a week, the effects will be better.

8. Supplements to stop hair loss

Sometimes hair loss is so bad that it needs to be stopped right away, which is hard to do with natural treatments. In that case, your hair needs best selling hair supplements items with more nutrients. But before you do that, you should consult with the best hair experts.

So, if you also have hair loss, what do you do? Then try one or two solutions and see if your hair changes the way you want it to.


People often lose their hair these days. When you lose more than 100 hairs a day and can see your head and your hair is getting thinner, this is a serious problem that needs to be treated. 
Some of the main things that cause hair loss are not getting enough nutrients, not taking care of your hair enough, using the wrong products, and over-styling your hair. Adding green tea, aloe vera gel, an egg mask, an oil massage, multivitamins, and biotin pills to your hair routine are some easy ways to stop hair loss.

For more information, Book an appointment with V V Studio hair and beauty salon near you in Bangalore.


When should I use a hair mask?
Ans. After you use conditioner, don't put on your mask. Since shampooing opens up the hair shafts, putting on the mask right after shampooing will help the strengthening ingredients get into the hair much more.

Can I use a hair mask on hair that isn't clean?
Ans. No, don't put it on hair that is dirty and oily. It's hard to put a hair mask on dirty, dry hair because the grease on your hair and head keeps the mask from getting deep into your hair.